Cooking Instructions
About your product choice
Whilst it's considered an old fashioned cut of meat, it has remained popular for so long due to its incredibly juicy flavour.
Set the temperature on your device as shown, once the temperature has been
reached pop your product in and cook for the time shown. Remember with sous
vide cooking whilst the product will be fine if you cook for longer the time
shown is a minimum.
Chef Tips
In the Bag
Try rolling the necks in tomato powder or sundried tomato paste.
If your product weight is over 10% more than the chosen weight an adjustment in time will be required. Please ensure core temperatures are reached by using a sous vide thermometer and probe.
Sous Vide Lamb Neck Fillets
We all know that mint goes well with lamb, and pairing that with basil really makes for a taste sensation when utilising this delicious and inexpensive cut.
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