Cooking Instructions

About your product choice

Sea bass is a show stopper fish when cooked correctly and is a beautifull buttery option if you're looking for a lean option

48° / 118°F
Set the temperature on your device as shown, once the temperature has been reached pop your product in and cook for the time shown. Remember with sous vide cooking whilst the product will be fine if you cook for longer the time shown is a minimum.

Chef Tips

In the Bag

Try a little dill pollen sprinkled onto the flesh and brush with oil


If your product weight is over 10% more than the chosen weight an adjustment in time will be required. Please ensure core temperatures are reached by using a sous vide thermometer and probe.


Wild Sea Bass cooked Sous Vide

Wild Sea bass is much firmer and thicker than its cousin, the farmed sea bass. Because of this, the sous vide method of cooking works really well and creates an almost steak-like texture.

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Sous Vide Sea Bass with Herb Gnocchi, Confit Onions and Horseradish Sauce

Wild Sea bass is much firmer and thicker than its cousin, the farmed sea bass. Because of this, the sous vide method of cooking works really well and creates an almost steak-like texture.

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